STUDIO TOUR | Workspace Matters

I am extremely bent on having your own space to create. A place where the outside world doesn't matter and you can just be yourself. Now, this doesn't mean you won't have interruption...especially if you have little ones running circles around you.

I have moved my space all over my house- starting in my bedroom, my laundry room, the living room and now I have happily settled on the dining room. We don't use it much as we are all so busy that it doesn't matter much to move everything aside and sit down to a meal among all of my scatter-brained-ness.

The dining table is a perfect space for scattering papers, magazines and layouts that are bigger than my desk. I have moved the other two chairs to other rooms to create more space, as the room is pretty tight already. And, like I said, it is easily converted back to a family table or used for entertaining in a snap. 

I use an antique china cabinet for my flat storage, and I am quite happy with it. Until I get a flat storage file, I think this has worked out nicely. There is also a drawer where I can store supplies and other random stuff.

I tossed out my old easel a couple years ago, as it was falling apart and was very wobbly. I have been using this piano for painting on canvases. There is a perfect "lip" for holding larger work firmly and I can scatter all of my supplies on it without them falling off. I decided to paint it white because my studio was dark and didn't have a lot of natural light. Since I have painted it white, my studio is brighter and happier.

An old coffee table fit just perfectly between the cabinet and my desk. It is sort of my printing hub, where I take most of my instagram photos (the light is just perfect right there) as well as hold my paper and art supply box.

My desk was given to me by my mom, who had been harboring it for over a decade. She tried to give it to me a long time ago, but I just hated how big it was. I didn't have the space. Well, I finally got smart and realized this was my missing element. I NEEDED a big desk. This desk is a high quality, hand crafted drafting table. It is heavy and huge. But it is perfect. Now I can sprawl out and use my space without getting overwhelmed.

Some little details...

I painted an ugly frame, added scrapbook paper under the glass and use chalkboard markers to write myself little notes. I'm a post it kind of gal, but sometimes I need it all right there so I don't forget. It's quickly and easily erased.

I use my daughters old mattress spring from her crib as a mood board. It fit just perfectly in this rather weird wall space and I can move and pin and do whatever I want up there without damaging the walls.

Well, that's pretty much it for now. My work space is constantly changing and evolving, so I am always figuring out new ways to utilize my studio's space...
