FIRST POST | opening the vault & brushing off the dust

Last night I decided to open up my "vault", which is nothing more than an old rusty filing cabinet. I pulled out wrinkly papers that I scribbled, painted and drew on. Taking a deep breath, I made the decision to start again. By start again, I really mean pick up where I left off. I have been working in photography for almost three years and i have finally shifted my focus back into my art studio. I love photography, but my heart is pulled in every direction when it comes to creating something with my hands. I haven't picked up a brush or pencil in almost a year. I have missed it.  I am ready to get back at it and I have a renewed sense of inspiration from all of the wonderful people I have met while doing photography. I think that taking a break from art allowed me to gain perspective and momentum, which will more than likely send me on my way to new and exciting things in the future.

Over the next few weeks, I plan on going through the finished, half-finished and abandoned works that lay waiting to be set free from the dark cabinets in my studio. I am going back to the basics, nothing complicated or over thought. I am finding that honesty is my ally and has helped me move forward and emerge from the fog with a new confidence and integrity.

Here is one of my favorite portraits from 2013. I used only an Ebony pencil and my finger to do some shading. I plan on doing a more colorful version of this work in watercolor and ink, something I am really looking forward to diving into more this year.
