2014 | Year in Review

2014 was a slow year for me, creatively. Alongside some major life changes, art has somehow weaved it's way in and around my life and has been a constant hum in the background. I have spent most of my time in my studio researching / trying out methods and techniques. 

I have become reacquainted with my pens, pencils and paintbrushes. I experimented with photography and design. I studied human expression. I spent a lot of time learning code. I designed a website. I drew from my dreams. 

Nothing was really concentrated, as I was just taking the pressure off of myself and letting inhibition take the reigns. 2014 was all about letting the dust settle and letting go. 

Now that I feel the fog has lifted, I have been able to focus my energy on a more specific field: Watercolors. I have been working with them for a while and am very excited to expand my range into this vibrant medium.

I think that all along I just needed the right medium. I may have found it.
